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Our core values drive everything that we do. They are a part of our DNA. We are, clearly, not perfect.

However, these values represent who we desire to be, and with God’s grace and mercy, are daily becoming.



We are traditional in belief, but unconventional in practice. We will do anything short of sin to remove barriers and reach people who are far from God.



We are big-faith, risk-taking, adventurous believers. We’d rather make mistakes than miss opportunities. Our faith doesn’t make us safe; it makes us courageous.



We are spiritual contributors, not spiritual consumers. The church does not exist for us. We are the church, one unified global team, and we are the hope of the world.



Because we believe grace saves, we will risk criticism and go the extra mile to make every man, woman, and child feel accepted.



Because we believe life change happens best in relationships, we will create opportunities for intimacy with God through community with others.



We are imperfect people playing a role in God’s perfect plan. We will boldly admit our faults, fight for authenticity and refuse to check our baggage at the door.



We will attack every task with enthusiasm like we actually believe Christ rose from the dead. Nothing is more fun than locking arms to change the world.



We go all-in for God because He went all-in for us. We give up things we love for things we love more. It’s an honor to sacrifice for God and His church.



We will always give our best. excellence honors God and attracts people.


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