All of our children's ministries provide a clean, safe, and Jesus-focused environment. All of our volunteers complete a comprehensive criminal history background check.
Trail Kidz (1st-5th)

In Trail Kidz, we believe the Bible should never be boring, worship can be really loud and good leaders always care. Before kids head off to middle school, we want to them to know these three basic truths:
I need to make wise choices.
I can trust God no matter what.
I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
We use a biblically based solid curriculum from a variety of sources. The Trail Kidz experience is fun, dynamic, and high energy. In Trail Kidz we start in a large group setting where we worship and have a short lesson from the Bible. Then we move into our small group time, which is our main focus. This is where we make the information stick and relevant to kids’ lives. We want kids to see how God’s word fits into their lives, to learn how talk to Him, and to build friendships that will last. for more info email